Thursday, June 26, 2008


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sunday, June 15, 2008

bad result

i got my result last week. and as i predicted, i had done badly this semester. i act too calm to accept because i know i didn;'t try my best in this sem and i deserve this result. there is no point for me to curl up and cry at one corner. so, for the coming semester, i set myself an aimst. i think i know which way i should walk, follow the path i choose so that i wont get lost again. "enjoy university life" that is my cousin advise. struggling for one year, now only i know what i actually want.



上个礼拜天是我教书的第一天,和我以前念小学时一样,星期天的第一节就是周会。初初以教师身份踏入校园的我,坐在教师席上,看向排在操场上孩子的可爱膜样,我的心里就在高兴着:yeah!我,有机会可以和那些天真,可爱的小朋友相处了。嗯,我很喜欢小朋友,尤其是那些小小只,胖胖,然后架幅眼镜的。超级可爱。在周会上,就被我看到了这样的小孩。就那么巧的,原来我有教他那班,一蓝。他,可爱~,上课时,他会给自己的两个脸颊充气,本来可爱的膜样,再加上可爱的动作,更令我喜欢他。那班还有几个很可爱的小孩子,这也许这就是为什么他们的班很吵,但我却很舍不得法他们的原因。放学后,我会带队走出校门口,途中遇到我教的班,他们都回大大声喊:cikgu lim,miss lim. 受到学生的爱戴,当然是值得高兴的。哈哈。听到他们的声音,喉咙多不舒服,都无所谓了。平时上课,有些班真的把我气到半死,我每次说要罚,但最后都是不忍心。只要他们投我一个哀求、可怜的眼神,我就立刻投降了。这就是为什么那些小鬼很快就爬上我头顶上来。哎,还好当老师不是我的志愿。声音,沙沙、坏怀了。。

Friday, June 13, 2008

2nd job -end-

我的第二份工作,只维持了短短的五天,就跑掉了,似乎有点不负责任但我不管啦,再继续呆下去,就会觉得自己在虚度光阴,用我的假期时间换取金钱,除了钱之外,就什么经验都没有摄取到。顾的店只有我和一个员工,而且,那间店的顾客只有小猫两三只。这里是做fair员工认为的天堂但却是我的地狱。我向往楼下fair忙碌的工作,不过楼下的人都会骂我傻。五天,虽然不再楼下工作,但也有认识到一些人。其间,真的谢谢他们的照顾,对于新的环境,我常像个无头苍蝇,有点迷糊。(哎,去到哪里都要人照顾)哎,不过真的很讨厌在百货公司工作。大事小事,一下就会传遍整间店。我辞去工作去当老师的事情,五分钟后就莫名其妙有人来问我。隔天,其他人见到我就喊:老师。 超paiseh。。。昨天回去领薪水,他们还是那边你一句我一句:老师好!呵呵呵。。丢脸。


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

(dull+boring life) -end-

tomorrow, hmmm.. tomorrow, i dare not say that it is a good beginning yet but i know i gonna end my boring and dully life.. wish me good luck for the 1st day of my 2nd job in my life time.. gambateh..

time... time change many things

a word i could use to describe tonight is perfect. i would say i have changed a lot within this one year especially on social communication. when first stepping into upm, i'm still a very shy, quiet girl as my old friends used to describe me in my class's magazine but i always deny it. my best friend who know me well definitely don't think that quiet make sense to describe me. but shy, yea, this one is my biggest weakness. the formal me, i will only talk non stop to people i close with, i wont find a topic to talk if a person didn;t start it. i hate the old me where i dare not voice out my opinion loudly but will tell my close friend and they will talk out to the other as i thoroughly don't have any confidence toward myself and i scare how they will judge me from my "言行". but now, get to know more people and have already lost many "仪态", i dont care how people outside will judge me, as long as i live it my way, my style and me myself feel comfortable with it. it is nice to be myself and talk whenever i want to, dare to suggest, dare to get nearer to every1 to minimize the gap between us. that's the real me, blur, sometimes crazy a bit, very straight forward, care too much for every friendship...

handwritten diary